BET Clinical Counselling and Psychotherapy
DON Bosco Counseling Centre is an eminent B.E.T. (Brain Equilibrium Therapy) Centre in Trivandrum. Here, the B.E.T. Specialist uses Psychological Counselling and Psychotherapy for Mental Disorders, Sexual and Psychological problems. This treatment does not require medicine, behaviour therapy, traditional counselling, or advice. It is based on Dr. Berkman Koyical's B.E.T. System, having Intellectual Property Rights (I.P.R.), patent and registration. In this therapy, the professionals use the most modern Biofeedback types of equipment and Four-Sphere Brainwave Synchronizers.
This method entails decoding the influences (Not Memory) of negative experiences, imaginations and dreams that lead to the problems, using Brain Equilibrium Therapy, without the help of medicines, hypnotism, counselling or advice. Those instruments that do not come in contact with the body are used. Psychic illness is treated through this most modern and holistic treatment system of psychotherapy. The B.E.T. system is beginning with psychotherapy on the Negative and Positive events and emotions of the client for differentiating the psychological problems, symptoms, signs and illness. They are identified with B.E.T. methods of clinical tests. Some of the therapeutic techniques are Brain Wave Therapy, Problem diffusing Therapy, Encoding-Decoding Therapy and Retrieval Frequency therapy. The impacts of negative memory will be decreased after B.E.T. The positive after-effects of the B.E.T. could be noticed within a short period. This is perfectly a safe treatment which does not have any side effects; instead, when the high-intensity memory of the negative events and dreams are diffused and brought to a balance, then the person begins to attain greater concentration, better memory, a considerable reduction of stress and anxiety, greater confidence, less worrying and agitation etc.
At our Counseling Centre, we assure an effective treatment for the individuals suffering from varied psychic illnesses by using the most modern types of equipment. With the help of (Psychological) Counselling and B.E.T. we ensure apt treatments for the following problems:
B.E.T. Counselling
DON Bosco Counseling Centre is an eminent B.E.T. (Brain Equilibrium Therapy) Centre in Trivandrum. Here, the B.E.T. Specialist uses Psychological Counselling and Psychotherapy for Mental Disorders, Sexual and Psychological problems.
Fear-Based Problems
Fear-based problems such as Hysteria, Phobia, Death Fear, Possession Syndrome, Witch Craft, Dead Body Fright, Somnambulism, Delusion, Hallucination, Stealing and Lying habits and Fright after a suicide death.
Anger-Based Problems
Anger based problems such as Suicide Compulsion, Head-ache, Migraine, Fits, Stress
Conflict, Speechlessness, Quick-Temper, uncontrollable Anger, Hatred and Arrogance
toward everybody, Lack of Concentration, Paranoia, Psoriasis, Eczema, Tumour and
Loss-Based Problems
Loss based problems such as Depression, Insomnia, Amnesia, Traumatic Crying,
Suicide Mania and Depression due to love failure, Loneliness, Poor Memory, Hyper
Activity, Kleptomania, Fatigue, Over Eating, Flirtatious Habits, Compulsive Demand,
Compulsive Alcoholism, Chain Smoking, Drug Addiction and Nail Biting.
Guilt-Based Problems
Guilt based problems such as Afraid to face people, Inferiority Complex, Stage- Fright, Trembling hands while writing in front of others, Paranoid Reaction, Toilet Obsession, Stomach Ulcer, Stuttering, Obsessive-Compulsive Neurosis, Unusual Piety, Uncontrollable Guilty Conscience, Severe Menstrual Pain, Sexual inadequacy of Impotency and frigidity and Bed-Wetting.
Key Features of this treatment are:
Problems of children
Disinterest in studies
Quick temper
Frequent crying
School refusal
Social skill difficulties
Stealing and lying
Difficulty retaining what is learned
Lack of concentration
Memory problems
Self-harm tendencies
Suicidal tendencies
Verbalizing thoughts of suicide
Extreme temper tantrums when denied requests
Destructive behavior (e.g., throwing and breaking things)
Excessive gaming
Excessive screen time (TV or mobile)
Excessive fear or phobias
Frequent academic failures
Exam anxiety
Withdrawal and hiding
Stubbornness and impatience